Kvalitetsposter Guldfolierad/ Gold foil stamped.
Tekniktypisk for the artist.
William Gatewwods art combines the iconography of the east with a western painting approach. He was born in Utah but he lived most of his life in San Francisco. In the tradition of Whistler and Klimt he incorporated his art in application of paint, inks, gold leaf, metallic foils and rice paper. Part of his vision was making his artwork available to the widest audience and consequently he really supported publication of his work in poster format. He was born 1943 and passed away already in 1994 due to complications resulting from the AIDS virus.
Copyright William Gatewood 1991.
A Bruce McGaw Graphics publication and distribution.
Välj mellan inramning med exklusiv svart träram, eller enbart postern.
Motivet har en vit kant som framhäver dess design och ger bilden mer djup.
*Vid beställning med exklusiv svart träram ramas postern in hantverksmässigt i vår verkstad samt kvalitetssäkras. Tavlan levereras klar för upphängning.
Denna posters storlek: 92x61 cm